Website Domain Checker

1 min read

Website Domain Checker is provide to check is domain available or not in website. you can be easy to check with wordpress domain availability.

General Setting Features : #

  • Use shortcode [wsdc-domain-checker] in any page or post.
  • Select TLD Type, TLDs Settings.
  • Enable checking all allowed TLDs simultaneously.

Search Block Setting Features : #

  • Search block width, label, Search Input Placeholder and Padding.
  • Search Button Text, font size, text color, background color and padding.

Domain Search Result Settings : #

  • Add Domain Empty Response and Add Domain Availibity Response.
  • Domain Availibity Response text color and background color.
  • Add Domain Already Taken Response , color and background color.
  • Add Domain Extension not Supported text, select color and background color.
  • Add Domain Extension Required Response, Select color and background color.

Whois Button Settings :. #

  • Enable Whois Button.
  • Add Whois Button text, select Color and Background Color.

Buy Domain Settings : #

  • Enable price on domain search results, Add Default Price,
  • Enable buy domain button on domain search results.
  • Add Buy Domain Button Text and Default Buy Domain Button Link.
  • Buy Now Button Background Color and Buy Now Button Text Color

reCAPTCHA v2 Settings : #

  • Enable Google reCAPTCHA v2.
  • Add Google reCAPTCHA v2 Site Key, Google reCAPTCHA v2 Secret Key and Please Verify Captcha Error Text.