Quantity Based Discount And Price for WooCommerce

Quantity Based Discount And Price for WooCommerce provide you can be give price base on qty for particular product in woocommerce. easy to add rule on Woocommerce qty to make Discount Price Woocommerce.

Quantity Based Discount And Price for WooCommerce using with if User Role by change price as if Qty base need to chanage than price will be change in woocommerce.

Discount Price Setting: #

  • Select Show Users.
  • Select Discount Table Background Color and Text Color.
  • Add Single Product  Discount Table Font Size and Cart Page Text Color.

Single Product Page Setting: #

  • Select Quantity rules.
  • Select User Role.
  • Add Min and Max Quantity.
  • Select Discount type fixed or Percentage
  • Single Product Page in Show Discount Price.
  • Cart Page in Show include Discount Prce.